Highway Pilot L2, L2+ and L3
This service provides test cases by finding accidents and incidents that can occur on a defined highway segment. The platform then provides high quality test cases with verification test plan for all the edge cases that can occur on this highway segment.
The highway segment can for example be the Stuttgart - Munich A8. Resembler will then find accidents and incidents with a high similarity to the geometries, highway topologies and weather adversarial environments selected.
This service includes edge cases that are unlikely to occur and provides a 3D model with contextual information of the incident and accident. The user can request a simulator input file for verification on their simulator.
This feature allows developers to verify highway pilot level 3, level 2+ and level 2 to human factor.
Please request for more information for a demo.
License and How it Works
Select Highway
Full Report
Simulator Input
Sign-up for Resembler, Sign-up for the Higway resembler feature. The Highway features is now enabled.
Select the highway trajectory.
Resemble and accidents and incidents that can occur on the selected highway are provided. The accidents and incidents are provided by similarity in a Pareto with a description of the highway complexities. These can then be viewed with animation and contextual description, type, actors, environment.
Request a complete verification test report. The verification report includes animations and target KPI to meet human driving performance.
Request a simulator input file for selected (or all) accidents/incidents.
Resembler Platform
Resembler is a Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform. The licensing includes direct access to accident/incident data for analysis and comparison.
Qualitative assessment including baseline verification test reports for accidents are immediate by the Resembler large language model. Additional and in-depth verification/validation is provided by accidentology experts via ticket request. Detailed data analytics are supported by ADAS/NCAP, Automated Driving and Accidentology experts.
All data is in abstractions and complies to GDPR rules and regulations.
Please request for more information or a demo in the "Product Enquiry" tab.